Name: Crystal Mangalathu Location: U.K Managing p regnancy and p ostpartum during the p andemic away from home is a roller coaster ride. In this post Crystal talks to us about her journey in the year 2020. Enya was born on 7/10/2020 at 7:10am Pregnancy 1. Being Away from home + The Pandemic -- Who was there to support you during your Pregnancy and Post-Partum journey? When we found out we were pregnant in 2020, the world had taken a 360 degree turn with the lockdowns, panic buying, and getting accustomed to the “new normal” of staying home. During that time, I have never been more grateful for the technology; I used to video-call my sister (Greta) almost every day. She has virtually seen me grow physically, grow tired/ angsty, and has listened to me complain endlessly. Besides that, one of my closest friends, Aparna had given birth in 2019. She was my go-to person regarding all my doubts and worries on pa...
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