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Showing posts from October, 2015

Seven types of people you need to stay away from:-

The Under estimator      Some people under estimates everyone around them. It doesn't matter whether you are rich or  talented or beautiful they just have to put you down by underestimating your power making you feel worthless. The Spender & the parasite.        The one who spends money lavishly without a thought  is the spender and the second one is the one who makes you spend. I think its pretty obvious from the title. So basically the parasite feeds on the spender. It doesn't always have to be money orientated. It can also be energy. You work hard for a project but your friend/co-worker steals all the credit for it. The Cold hearted.    Some people are born that way. They are too numb to react. They are indifferent to everything. Those are type of people you should be away from. Then there are others who became stone hearted due to the numerous bad experiences/phases they have gone through...

The Empty Chair

Those 9 months felt like 9 years. Morning sickness and food cravings. Sleepless nights and moody days. Swelled up legs and overgrown breasts. Unfit dresses and stares all around. Inflated tummy and multiplied visits to the loo. I Missed my skinny jeans and halter necks. I envied my husband every time he munched on those crispy 'Lays' and sipped that frizzy Pepsi. No more heels. No more dancing. No more bumpy road travels. No more work. I gave it all up for my junior. Finally you came into this earth on a rainy day. You were my baby, my love and my life. I watched you grow as days passed by. Your rosy cheeks I kissed every night. While other mom's dumped their little ones at day-care, I gave up my dream job to give you my care. Your diapers and poop never disgusted me. You grew up in my arms safe and secure.  To see you become the best, I sent you to the finest school in town. I tried to get a job after all these years but no one hired me. Some said that I crosse...