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Showing posts from January, 2019
              The ideal Real Parent            Do you really think the lady who says she can make all the meals, send kids  to school / football / swimming practice all ON time and still have time to do her pedicure is  telling you the whole truth. There are no such thing as an ideal parent . Scribe that into your head .Say this along with me " I'm a darn good mom who will no longer allow the “perfection” of others to dictate how I raise, feed, and educate my kids". Write that down and look at it everyday. So many of us want to buy into the myth of the super-parent who CAN do it all because we think that's how everyone else is.     The reality of being a parent isn’t spoken about enough . It's upsetting knowing that some people think we are " less of” a mother because we get frustrated with our children.         Our society  expect us to never mess up, to raise per...