Sparkle of hope in the midst of a crack Standing at the edge of the road I felt my legs tremble beneath me The road with you was the one i loved to travel always The road without you was bitter and harsh But now came a time where both the roads seem to be equally painful Those waves of the sea once dance around my feet Now misled me and splashed right at my face But never did i think that those innocent eyes will lie to me a second time Dreams and expectations i had none But a heart full of love i did have Games I knew none except the ones played on board So I folded my hands and gazed up Surrendered myself to the one who created me There shone a light which have certainly never seen before It radiated an energy into me i have never felt before Don’t let him win this game murmured a soft voice I was able to hold back my tears whi...
Deep. Inspiring. Uplifting.