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This will change your life.

The Importance of Quiet Time

1) When was the last time you were quiet for 15 minutes?

2) When was the last time you were quiet without any social playing in the backgroup... people talking to you.…  or even people/kids/grandkids around you..?

4) Are you able to just sit without the noise of your phone or TV?

5) Does silence bother you?


These were some questions you need to ask yourself.


Quiet time is a time you set aside as a child of God to speak and listen to your Father.         While praying each of us are pretty good at making requests and telling god our immediate needs.

God, Can you give me a promotion at my work place


God, pls help my child get first rank in school


or the other extreme

God, Pls somehow make my child pass this exam


And some prayers even sounds like this

God, Don't give him promotion because you know he is a bad guy.


So Jokes apart…  my point here is…we are all good at making request and even telling god our needs but to LISTEN to what God has to tell you requires EFFORT. It requires effort from your side.



Have you ever sat quietly to listen to gods voice?

Have you asked him “ What is your opinion god  or how should I deal with this particular issue”?

NO. We never ask him that. Instead we complain that god is not talking to us or answering our prayers. Only if we are quiet ..only then we can HEAR what he has to say.

This is where QUIET TIME comes into play.


Quiet time is the period of time which we have to deliberately set aside to pray and communicate ALONE with God.


 I stressed on the word ALONE because when we are at church or at a prayer meeting or even during our family prayer we are praying to god as a group …..But quiet time is something you make time for… ALONE…

 It is a time you set aside as a child of God to speak with your heavenly Father not because you have any request or immediate need but to just be there talking to your Father in Heaven and to listen to what he has to tell you.  


For quiet time to be effective it has to be free from every disturbance and distraction . You are making and finding time for god…its an opportunity for god to speak to you. 



In today’s world quiet time is a foreign concept because we are living in the city. We’re used to noise and in a strange way, we’ have  become so used to this chaos. We are so used to it that when it’s all quiet around us we feel like something is wrong.


There is always some sort of noise in the background… whether it’s the new on the series…movies…or your phone…the social media…we are so used to the hustle and bustle that  this concept of being quiet and listening to God speak to us in our prayers is an uncomfortable unknown.




BUT quiet time is a sign of RESPECT to GOD.

I am showing respect when I choose to give him time in my prayers to speak to me. When I’m quiet before the Lord it shows that I respect his voice; I respect his Spirit. It shows my humble submission to the Almighty God. I’m showing God that this time is precious. Im making time for him. I’m giving him my undivided attention. Being quiet before God is showing respect for God.


Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God; 


Mark 1:35 tells us (Mark 1:35 NIV) Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.


He could have prayed in the house at which he was staying but he went off to a SOLITARY place and he prayed. Quiet time with his father.


You say you’re too busy, but you had time for that 10-15 minute conversation with your friend. You say you didn’t have time, but you were browsing social media for 5-10 minutes. God is asking just a little bit of your time for him.

Matthew 6:6  says But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.


Matthew 14:22-23

Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone


So if JESUS is doing it then shouldn’t you and I  also be doing the same?  

Now the second thing that I want to talk about is the power of words..


2. WORDS are powerful

In Proverbs 18:21

“The power of life and death is in the tongue.”


So the Words that come out of our mouth is mightier than a sword! Words have the power to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm or humiliate.


The Words we speak can produce life , it can give hope, it can even develop confidence in a person . Words can stop wars. Words can heal a depressed soul.


Words are so powerful that they can literally shift a person's life to the greater good or bad.


And as believers, we are not messengers of death, but messengers of life.


Let me tell you a story about a lady named Amy thatcher was who revently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer..


So Amy Thatcher was waiting for her turn at the oncologist office when another elderly lady probably in her 70s came and sat next to her. This old lady  sensed the anxiousness on  amy’s face and without introducing herself or even asking which stage of cancer amy is in she told the following words…

Amy remembers every word clearly even to this day.

She said…


I am a breast cancer survivor too.

I want you to know things will get easier. It may feel very difficult right now, but I promise, there will be brighter tomorrows.

When you feel weak, remember to take one day at a time. Just try to make it through this day. And remember no matter what -Pray everyday to jesus to give you strength.


So amy said that everyday from that day on she remember these words that this old women told her. She said that her words was exactly what amy needed at that point of time. Those words were words of healing and hope


In fact Amy also survived breast cancer. This incident touched her so much that 2 years after this she went to hospitals to talk to patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer and gives them counselling too. She understood the power of words. She wanted to reach out to others and she did.


Now words can hurt and humiliate as well. You may or may not use these to your own friends, children or grandchildren… It may sound something like this


1.    You never remember anything

2.   You always fail your exams

3.   You never get anything right

4.   You are so spoiled.

5.   Why cant you be like your sibling

6.   Why cant you be the topper like so and so

7.   You are not good at studies

8.   You are too sensitive

9.   You are so thin

10.                   You are so fat

11.                    You need to eat less

12.                   You need to eat more

13.                   You look dark

14.                   Your dressing style is not great

15.                   You are so old school

16.                   You still don’t have a job?




These words can not only humiliate and hurt but it can always destroy a person’s self confidence.



And as I mentioned earlier as believers, we are not messengers of death, but messengers of life.

James Chapter 3:5 to 12 …it talks about tongue…and what comes out from the tongue…its words….So words you speak are powerful…

In James 3:5 it says “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.”


James 3: 8

but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.



1 peter 3: 10 says….

Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.



So before I end this I want you all to remember the 2 things that I told you about …

1.    The Importance of Quiet time

2.   The Power of words.

Hope you will apply this in your lives and see the magnitude of difference it makes :-)


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